Technical Specifications

Technical Specifications
The Technical Specifications of the Project
Installed Power
1×370 MWe
Annual Electricity Production 2.664.000.000 kWh
Gross Yield ~45 %
Type Supercritical
Fuel Imported Coal
Hot Steam Flow Rate 1014 t/h
Hot Steam Temperature 571°C
Hot Steam Pressure 25.26 MPa(a)
Reheat Steam Flow Rate 857 t/h
Reheat Steam Temperature 319/569°C
Reheat Steam Pressure 4.35 MPa(a)
Supply Water Temperature 278°C
Yield 93 %
Nominal Capacity 1×350 MW
Hot Steam Flow Rate 1014 t/h
Hot Steam Temperature 566°C
Hot Steam Pressure 24.20 MPa(a)
Nominal Capacity 412 MVA
Nominal Power 350 MWe
Nominal Voltage 20 kV
Nominal Capacity 420 MVA
Nominal Voltage 20/380 kV
Flue Gas Treatment
Ash Elektrostatic filter
SO2 Scrubbing with limestone solution
NOx Selective catalytic reduction
Flue Height 180 m

Site Plan